It is the policy of NYCCST that the Proprietary Interest of Trainers/Instructors is
Any set of learning materials used to conduct a training, or learning event, that is created
an individual,
independent of NYCCST funding and guidance, will be credited to the individual.
At the beginning of each learning event the instructor will disclose proprietary interest
relay that the
materials used for instruction at NYCCST do not violate any personal or property rights of
organization or individual.
Courses and other learning materials created by an individual are to be licensed for use at
NYCCST and the
developer shall be credited for the presented material. NYCCST holds no financial obligation
any other 3rd
party organization for the development, use, and distribution of learning materials.
NYCCST does not tolerate discrimination, nor tolerate explicit references of a discriminatory nature, based on gender, gender identity, gender expression, race, nationality, color, religion, age, disability, veteran status, socioeconomic status, marital status, pregnancy, and/or sexual orientation.
Harassment and/or intimidation based on any protected characteristic is strictly prohibited. All the following are considered harassment and/or intimidation: Written communications, verbal communications, or physical gestures or behavior that shows hostility, aversion, or bigotry toward an individual. Sexual harassment in the form of written, physical, and/or verbal communications or behavior is also prohibited.
Incidents of harassment should be immediately reported to an administrator of the organization who will promptly arrange an internal investigation regarding the matter. NYCCST prohibits acts of retaliation against individuals who report or cooperate with investigations of harassment and discrimination cases.