A competent person according to OSHA is someone with the ability to recognize potential hazards in the environment or working conditions that pose risks to employees' safety and health, and who is empowered to promptly address and resolve them.
Safeguarding the well-being of both employers and employees remains paramount at construction sites. To enhance safety and ensure adherence to regulations, specific industry standards are in place to offer additional layers of protection. Central to this endeavor is the presence of a designated competent individual onsite, responsible for supervising safety procedures and implementing any required modifications throughout the project duration.
The person who is authorized to remove these risks or stop the work
if needed.
Someone who defines if it is safe to work on a project.
Course Modules - (22)
1. By the end of the learning module, participants will identify/differentiate between different types of suspended scaffolds
2. By the end of the learning module, participants will have known hazards related to improper suspended scaffolds use accidents
3. By the end of the learning module, participants will become familiar with 1926 OSHA Overview -Safety and Health Regulations for Construction
4. By the end of the learning module, participants will identify Personal Protected Equipment related to Life-Saving Equipment
5. Protect themselves from suspended scaffold safety hazards
6. Inspect suspended scaffolds in accordance with federal regulations
Learning Outcomes:
CEU Requirements CEU Requirements
Prerequisites Prerequisites
There are no prerequisites but, mandatory to do Video Cons in this course. Students must be able to orally communicate with instructor in primary language of the training