Course Modules - (9)
1) Learning Outcomes
2) Suspended Scaffold Intro
3) Suspended Scaffold
4) Toolbox Talk: Suspended Scaffold Safety
1) Case Study
2) Preventing Worker Injuries and Deaths Caused by Falls From Suspension Scaffolds
3) OSHA investigating following Midtown scaffolding collapse
1) Subpart E : Personal Protective and Life Saving Equipment
2) Personal Protective and Life Saving Equipment
3) Subpart M : Fall Prevention
4) Subpart L: Scaffolds
1) Measurements for Assessing Fall Hazards and Controls
2) Fall Distance Educator
1) Donning a Fall Protection Harness
1) OSHA-Suspended Scaffold/Swing Stage
1) Catenary
2) Float (ship)
3) Interior Hung
4) Multi-level
5) Multi-point Adjustable
6) Needle Beam
7) Single-point Adjustable
8) Two-point (swing stage)
1) Exit Routes, Emergency Action Plans
2) Emergency Planning
3) A Fall Could Cause a Stroke! | Trauma Straps, Workplace Accident, Suspension Trauma Training
4) How to Rescue a Fallen Worker | Fall Protection
5) Suspended Scaffold “Swing Stage” Rescue program
1) Suspended Scaffold 101
- By the end of the learning module, participants will identify/differentiate between different types of supported scaffolds
- By the end of the learning module, participants will have known hazards related to improper suspended scaffolds use accidents
- By the end of the learning module, participants will become familiar with 1926 OSHA Overview -Safety and Health Regulations for Construction
- By the end of the learning module, participants will identify Personal Protected Equipment related to Life-Saving Equipment
- Protect themselves from suspended scaffold safety hazards
- Inspect suspended scaffolds in accordance with federal and local safety regulations
Learning Outcomes:
- Understand safety protocols in the workplace.
- Recognize potential hazards and mitigate risks.
CEU Requirements CEU Requirements
- 100% appearance for the course
- Fully involvement in all class trainings (determined by instructor)
- Completion of Continuing Education and Training Registration Form
- Completion of mandatory quiz assessments
- As applicable, attainment of least passing score on required end-of-course examination
- Participation and submittal of end-of-course assessment form (must provide name on form to obtain credit)
Prerequisites Prerequisites
There are no prerequisites but, mandatory to do Video Cons in this course. Students must be able to
communicate with instructor in primary language of the training