Course Modules - (17)
1) Introduction to OSHA
2) The OSHA Inspection Process
3) How to File a Whistleblower Retaliation Complaint
4) How to Read OSHA Standard
5) Brief Tutorial on Completing the OSHA Recordkeeping Forms
6) How to Read OSHA Standard PDF
7) Introduction to OSHA Power Point Presentation
8) All About OSHA
9) Workers’ Rights
10) Job Safety and Health IT’S THE LAW!
1) Managing Safety and Health The Basics
2) How the Components Interact
3) Identifying the Marks of Excellence
4) ACCIDENT VS INCIDENT | The difference explained.
5) Incident Investigation
6) Recommended Practices for Safety and Health Programs
7) Guide to Developing Your Workplace Injury & Illness Prevention Program
9) Worksite Hazard Analysis
10) Hazard Prevention and Control
11) Incident Investigation Pre-Test
12) Incident/Accident Analysis
1) Walking-Working Surfaces OSHA Standard
2) Walking and Working Surfaces
3) Workplace Accident - True Story | Serious Injuries, Falls, Safety, OSHA, Near Death, Fatality
4) ALL PROTECTION BASICS | ABCD’s, Demonstration, PFAS, Fall Restraint vs. Fall Arrest, and more!
5) Falling Object Protection
8) Fall Protection
9) OSHA’s Final Rule to Update, Align, and Provide Greater Flexibility in its General Industry WalkingWorking Surfaces and Fall Protection Standards
10) Fall from a Telecommunications Tower
1) Exit Routes, Emergency Action Plans, Fire Prevention Plans, and Fire Protection
2) Fire Prevention Plan
3) How to perform a monthly fire extinguisher inspection
4) Yearly Fire Extinguisher Inspection
5) Fire Extinguisher Training Video
6) Planning for Workplace Emergencies
7) Emergency Action Plan Training
8) Fire Protection and Prevention
9) Emergency Action Plans
10) Emergency Action Plan (Template)
1) Electrocution/Work Safely with Ladders Near Power Lines
3) Electrical Safety Awareness for Non-Electrical Workers
4) How To Prevent Electrocution
5) Everyday Electrical
6) What is a GFCI GFI vs GFCI What's The Difference?
7) Prevent Electrocutions: Work Safely with Cranes near Power Lines
8) Electrical Hazards
1) Learning Outcomes
2) Chemical & Biological Hazards
4) Introduction to Industrial Hygiene
6) Hearing Protection
1) Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
2) OSHA Compliant Personal Protective Equipment
3) Eye Protection
4) Respirator Safety
5) Ear Protection
6) Testing common types of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
7) Donning a Fall Protection Harness
8) Selection, Fit Test of Harness
9) Inspection Procedures Harness
10) Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Training Course.
11) Personal Protective Equipment
12) Personal Protective Equipment
1) Hazard Communication Training
2) The Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals
4) What is the NFPA 704 Fire Diamond?
5) HMIS Hazard Rating System
6) DOT Chart 16- Understanding HazMat Placards and Labels
1) Liquefied Gas Transfer (LPG Storage Tank to Bobtail Truck)
2) Flashpoint, Flame point and Autoignition
3) Explosive limits (LEL and UEL)
4) HAZWOPER introduction
6) Flammable Liquids Training
7) OSHA: 1910.120
8) Flammable-Combustable Liquids
1) Overview of the Exposure Control Plan for Bloodborne Pathogens
2) Bloodborne Pathogens - Engineering Controls for Healthcare Facilities
3) Bloodborne Pathogens - Engineering Controls for Non-Healthcare Facilities
4) Hazard Communication for Bloodborne Pathogens
5) Bloodborne Pathogens Training - The Hepatitis Vaccine
6) Bloodborne Pathogens - Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
7) Bloodborne Pathogens - Annual Employee Training Requirements
1) Health and Safety Program
2) Safety and Health Program Framework
3) 10 Steps to Creating an Effective Safety Program in Your Workplace
4) Safety Culture
5) Speaking Up For Safety
6) Risk Assessment
7) Roles, responsibilities, and lines of authority as they relate to safety management
8) Systems of Safety and Introduction to Logic Tree Diagraming
9) Audit Checklist
10) The Importance of Root Cause Analysis During Incident Investigation
11) A Step-by-Step Guide: Incident Investigations
12) Basic Risk Management Concepts
13) Health and Safety Standards and Best Practices Quiz
1) Bloodborne Pathogens OSHA Training Video: Essential Safety Guide
2) Bloodborne Pathogens - Determining Exposure in the Workplace
3) Introduction to Bloodborne Pathogens in the Workplace
4) Bloodborne Pathogens Standard
1) What is Ergonomics
2) 9 Steps to Start or Improve Your Ergonomics Program
3) Workplace Ergonomics
4) Proper Lifting
5) OSHA General Industry - Ergonomics
6) Back Safety
7) Stressors at Work
8) Fit for Duty Program
9) Material Handling
10) A Safety Manager’s Guide to EARLY INTERVENTION
11) Identifying and Addressing Ergonomic Hazards Workbook
1) Machine Guarding Baby Steps
2) Safeguarding Equipment and Protecting Employees from Amputations
3) Unguarded Machinery/ Self-inspection checklist - - Machine guarding
4) Machine Guarding Baby Steps
5) Machine Guarding Training
6) 5 Big Mistakes in Machine Guarding
1) OSHA Regulations & Required Training for Powered Industrial Truck Operators
2) Forklift Truck Safety Hazards
3) Forklift Safety and Maintenance
4) OSHA Pre-Shift Inspection
5) JLG Telehandler Operator Safety
6) Telehandler inspection How to do a Telehandler Pre-Operation Inspection
7) Forklift Pedestrian Safety
8) Powered Industrial Vehicles
10) Forklift Safety
1) OSHA 1910.147 - Control of Hazardous Energy
2) Lock Out Tag Out
3) Introduction
4) Scope and Application
5) Purpose
6) Definitions
7) Energy Control Program
8) Energy Control Procedures - Documentation
9) Energy Control Procedures - Required Content
10) Periodic Inspection
11) Employee Training and Communication
12) Additional Training (Tagout System)
13) Employee Retraining
14) New or Modified Equipment
15) Full Employee Protection
16) Materials and Hardware
17) Application of Energy Control
18) Release from Lockout/Tagout
19) Testing of Machines
20) Outside Personnel (Contractors)
21) Group Lockout-Tagout Requirements
22) Shift & Personnel Changes
1) 6 Common Confined Space Questions Answered
2) What is a Confined Space
3) Permit-Required Confined Space
4) What is an Entry Permit What is a Confined Space Entry Permit: Confined Space Hazards
5) Confined Space Roles
6) Confined Spaces Deadly Spaces: Carbon Monoxide, Hydrogen Sulphide, and Other Toxic Gases
7) Confined Space Air Monitoring
8) Ventilation in Confined Space
9) Reclassifying Permit-Required Confined Spaces (PRCS)
10) Retrieval and Emergency Services in Confined Spaces
11) Confined Space Basics
12) Confined Spaces in Residential Construction
13) Is 911 your Confined Space Rescue Plan?
14) FATAL Facts
This training program is intended to provide entry level general industry workers information about their rights, employer responsibilities, and how to file a complaint as well as how to identify, abate, avoid and prevent job related hazards on a job site. The training covers a variety of general industry safety and health hazards which a worker may encounter at a work site.
Learning Outcomes:
- Understand safety protocols in the workplace.
- Recognize potential hazards and mitigate risks.
CEU Requirements CEU Requirements
- 100% appearance for the course
- Fully involvement in all class trainings (determined by instructor)
- Completion of Continuing Education and Training Registration Form
- Completion of mandatory quiz assessments
- As applicable, attainment of least passing score on required end-of-course examination
- Participation and submittal of end-of-course assessment form (must provide name on form to obtain credit)
Prerequisites Prerequisites
There are no prerequisites but, mandatory to do Video Cons in this course. Students must be able to
communicate with instructor in primary language of the training