Course Modules - (14)
1) Introduction to OSHA
2) The OSHA Inspection Process
3) How to File a Whistleblower Retaliation Complaint
4) Oil and Gas Field Hazards | Your Safety Guide
5) Oil and Gas Safety 101
6) Introduction to OSHA Power Point Presentation
7) Workers’ Rights PSHA
8) Introduction to Oilfield Safety
9) Fact Sheet
10) Oil and Gas Industry Guidelines
11) Health and Safety in Oil and Gas Extraction
12) Job Safety and Health
1) Walking-Working Surfaces OSHA Standard
2) Walking and Working Surfaces
3) Slips Trips and Fall Hazards
4) Fall Protection
5) Take Pride in Your Job: Fall Protection
6) Work Place Falls and Injuries
7) Falling Object Protection
8) How to Calculate Fall Distance | Fall Protection, Safety, Hazards, Training
9) Calculation Fall Distances
10) Self Retracting Devices, Swing Fall and Clearance - 3D Animation
11) Stairs Safety - Trailing Hand Technique
12) OSHA-Fabricated Frame, Base Section, Support Structure, Fall Protection, Platform, Keeping Upright
13) IRATA Applus Rope Access Training Ascent, Changeover to Descent
1) Site Preparation Activities
2) Site Conditions
1) Rigging Up
2) Drilling Ahead
3) Tripping Out/In
4) Casing Operations
5) Maintenance Activities
6) Well Control
1) Transporting Personnel
2) Transporting Equipment
3) Vehicle Operation at the Well Site
4) All-Terrain Vehicles (ATVs) and Utility Task Vehicles (UTVs)
5) Fly to an offshore oil rig with Panther Helicopters
1) Equipment Condition
2) Hand and Power Tool Safety
3) Hand and Power Tools Training
4) Amputation Fact Sheet
1) Oil and Gas Industry | S&S Technical | Grounding and Bonding Safety
2) Grounding & Bonding Awareness
3) Static Electricity Hazards and Prevention
4) Electrical Safety Awareness for Non-Electrical Workers | Schneider Electric
5) OSHA Focus Four Hazards:Electrocution
6) Electrical Hazards
1) The Oil & Gas Industry Overhaul Puts Health And Safety First
2) GHS-Basics
4) Bloodborne Pathogens in the Workplace
5) Universal Precautions (How to Reduce Your Risk)
6) OSHA 1910.1000 – Air Contaminants (Subpart Z)
7) H2S Safety and Health Hazards
8) Worker Exposure to Drilling Fluids
9) Protecting Oil and Gas Workers from Hydrocarbon Gases and Vapors
10) The Respirable Crystalline Silica Video for US Onshore E&P
11) Worker Exposure to Silica during Hydraulic Fracturing
1) Donning a Fall Protection Harness
2) Selection, Fit Test of Harness
3) Inspection Procedures Harness
4) Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
5) Testing Common Types of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
6) Personal Protective Equipment
7) Personal Protective Equipment OSHA
8) Self-Retracting Lifelines
9) Toolbox Talk: Eye Protection
10) Toolbox Talks - Foot Protection
11) Head Protection: Preventing Head Injuries
12) The MSA V-FIT Derrick Harness Explained
2) Liquefied Gas Transfer (LPG Storage Tank to Bobtail Truck)
3) Flashpoint, Flame point and Autoignition
4) Explosive limits (LEL and UEL)
5) OSHA: 1910.120
6) HAZWOPER introduction
8) Flammable-Combustable Liquids
1) First Aid Kit Update: Effective October 15, 2022
2) First Aid Kit
5) OSHA First Aid Kit Requirements
6) American National Standard for Emergency Eyewash And Shower Equipment
1) Safety Tips In a Minute - 5 Tips For Fire protection Oil & Gas Work site | Green World Group
2) Monthly Fire Extinguisher Inspections
3) Yearly Fire Extinguisher Inspection
4) Fire Extinguisher Training Video
5) Firefighting Nozzles in the Oil and Gas Industry
6) How fire sprinkler systems work (3D Animation)
7) CO2 Laser Machine Fire Suppression System
8) Fire Suppression System Simulation
9) Good Housekeeping Practice
11) Fire Extinguisher Training Video
1) Hazardous Area Classification zone 0, zone 1, zone 2
2) Introduction to Hazardous Areas and HA Classification
1) Extinguisher Basics
2) Fire Extinguisher Use
3) Extinguisher Placement and Spacing
4) Hydrostatic Testing
5) OSHA Requirements
Learning Outcomes:
- Understand safety protocols in the workplace.
- Recognize potential hazards and mitigate risks.
CEU Requirements CEU Requirements
- 100% appearance for the course
- Fully involvement in all class trainings (determined by instructor)
- Completion of Continuing Education and Training Registration Form
- Completion of mandatory quiz assessments
- As applicable, attainment of least passing score on required end-of-course examination
- Participation and submittal of end-of-course assessment form (must provide name on form to obtain credit)
Prerequisites Prerequisites
There are no prerequisites but, mandatory to do Video Cons in this course. Students must be able to
communicate with instructor in primary language of the training