Course Modules - (24)
1) Safety and Occupational Health Program Management for United States Army Corps of Engineers Personnel
2) Program Management
3) Safety and Health Management
4) How the Components Interact
5) Identifying the Marks of Excellence
6) Risk and How to use a Risk Matrix
7) Toolbox Talk: Accident and Incident Reporting
8) Pre Job Hazard Analysis
9) Writing Activity Procedure | Activity Hazard Analysis (AHA), Hazard Identification, OSHA Standards Training
10) How to Identify Hazards | Activity Hazard Analysis (AHA), Haz ID, OSHA Rules Safety Training
11) Activity Hazard Analysis - Activity Steps and Tasks
12) The Importance of Documenting with Images
13) Incident Investigation
14) Incident/Accident Analysis
15) Incident Investigation
1) Safety and Occupational Health Program Management for Contractors
2) 2024 SWG Safety Standdown Video
3) For USACE Safety Specialist the Work is Personal
4) USACE Nashville District Talks Successful Safety Program
5) How to Prepare an Activity Hazard Analysis Report
6) How to Add a Mishap Report to a QA/QC Daily Report
10) Activity Hazard Analysis (AHA)
8) USACE People Focus Kickoff
1) Temporary Facilities
2) Temp Facilities
3) Construction Fence
4) Cat Graders Keeping the Haul Roads Tidy
5) Stormwater Runoff/Run On
6) Stormwater Quality: Construction Site Inspection
7) How to Develop a Site Safety Plan for Construction?
8) Temporary Traffic Control Zones
9) Temporary Traffic Control Zones part 2
1) Medical and First Aid
2) Medical & First Aid
3) Regulations for Workplace First Aid
5) Bloodborne Pathogens OSHA Training Video: Essential Safety Guide
6) Medical Emergencies
7) Good Samaritan Law & Definition - Can I be sued?
8) Best Practices Guide: Fundamentals of a Workplace First-Aid Program
9) Requirements for Basic First Aid Unit Package
10) First Aid Supplies
11) First Aid Kit Update: Effective October 15, 2022
1) Personal Protective and Lifesaving Equipment
2) Personal Protective and Lifesaving Equipment
3) PPE Safety Training for Construction Workers
4) ABCs of Active Fall Protection | Anchor, Body Harness, Connector
5) Fall Protection Anchors for Construction - clamps, I-beam, beamer, strap (M3V1 Anchors Overview)
6) Donning a Fall Protection Harness
7) Selection, Fit Test of Harness
8) Inspection Procedures Harness
9) Respiratory Protection in Construction: An Overview of Hazards & OSHA's Program Requirements
10) Toolbox Talk: Eye Protection
11) Testing common types of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
12) How to Select and Use Hearing Protection
13) Personal Protective Equipment
14) Personal Protective Equipment
1) Hazard Assessment
2) PPE Selection
3) PPE Selection > Head Protection
4) PPE Selection > Eye and Face Protection
5) PPE Selection > Foot Protection
6) PPE Selection > Hearing Protection
7) PPE Selection > Respiratory Protection
8) PPE Selection > Hand and Body Protection
9) PPE Selection > Lifesaving Equipment and Personal Flotation Devices
10) PPE Selection > Personal Fall Protection Equipment
11) Employee Training
12) Cleaning, Maintenance and Replacement
1) Fire Prevention and Protection
2) Fire Protection & Prevention
3) Introduction to Pre Incident Planning
4) What is a Fire Alarm System?
5) Fire Suppression System Simulation
6) How Fire Sprinkler Systems Work (3D Animation)
7) Fire Suppression Systems Training : Follow the Water
8) Firefighting Strategies for the Wildland/Urban Interface
9) Bottom Fired Kettle Safety Training Video
10) Temporary Heaters
11) Yearly Fire Extinguisher Inspection
12) Monthly Fire Extinguisher Inspections
13) Fire Sprinkler Testing and Maintenance
15) Hot Work Permit
16) Fire Watch Safety Video
17) Hot Work Permit
1) Introduction
2) Fire Safety Plan
3) Precautions for Hot Work
4) Fire Watches
5) Fire Response
6) Fixed Fire Extinguishing System Hazards on Board Vessel
7) Land-Side Fire Protection Systems
8) Training
1) Extinguisher Basics
2) Fire Extinguisher Use
3) Extinguisher Placement and Spacing
4) Hydrostatic Testing
5) OSHA Requirements
1) Work Platforms and Scaffolding
2) Work Platforms & Scaffolding
3) OSHA-Support Structure
4) OSHA-Fabricated Frame
5) OSHA-Two-point (swing stage)
6) OSHA-Pole or Wood Pole
7) OSHA-Mast Climbers
8) OSHA-Ladder Jack
9) OSHA-Specialty and Other Scaffolds
10) OSHA-Interior Hung
11) Aerial Lifts
12) Summit Aerial Lift Safety Video
13) Aerial Lift Fall Protection
1) Electrical
2) Electrical
3) Electrocution/Work Safely with Ladders Near Power Lines
4) Prevent Electrocutions: Work Safely with Cranes near Power Lines
5) Electrical Safety Awareness for Non-Electrical Workers | Schneider Electric
6) OSHA Focus Four Electrical
7) Electrical Grounding Explained | Basic Concepts
8) Limited Approach Boundary
9) Lithium Ion battery safety tips
10) Toolbox Talks - Generator Safety & Use
11) Fully Understanding How GFCI's Work
12) Arc Flash Overview
13) Electrical Hazards
14) OSHA Focus Four Hazards:Electrocution
15) Energized Electrical Work Permit
16) Electrical Specific PPE
1) Vehicles, Machinery and Equipment
2) Vehicles Machinery & Equipment
3) Bobcat Rotary Telehandlers in action
4) Drilling Animation
5) Forklift Load Operations
6) Telehandler Load Charts
7) Pre-Operation Safety & Maintenance Inspection | Construction Equipment
8) Safe Operations of Concrete Pump
9) Mechanical and Machinery hazards | Contact With Moving Parts of Equipment
10) Powered Industrial Trucks Forklifts
11) Machinery and Vehicular Safety
1) Fall Protection
2) Fall Protection
3) Fall Restraint vs. Fall Arrest in Construction
4) Self-Retracting Lifelines (SRLs), Fall Arrest, Positioning Devices, Safety Nets | Fall Protection
5) FALL PROTECTION BASICS | ABCD’s, Demonstration, PFAS, Fall Restraint vs. Fall Arrest, and more!
6) OSHA-Safety Net Systems
7) Calculating Fall Distance
8) Fall Distance Educator
1) How to Put on a Fall Protection Harness
2) Fall Protection Anchors for Construction - clamps, I-beam, beamer, strap (M3V1 Anchors Overview)
3) Fall Protection Anchors | Temporary and Permanent, Ridge Anchor, Guardian
4) Components of a Fall Arrest System
5) How to Rescue a Fallen Worker
6) Swing Fall Hazards| Roofing Safety, Fall Protection, OSHA Rules, Radius, Prevention, Pendulum
7) Personal Fall Protection Systems Fact Sheet
1) Fall Prevention | Guardrails, Hole Covers, Fall Restraint Systems
2) OSHA Guardrail Systems
3) Guardrails for Construction Job Sites
4) OSHA-Covering Holes - Fall Protection
5) Protecting Holes and Openings
6) Skylights | Roofing Safety, Fall Protection
7) Toolbox Talk: Hole Covers
1) Safe Access
2) Safe Access
3) Walking-Working Surfaces OSHA Standard
4) OSHA-Accessibility
5) Workplace Accidents from Ladders | Fatal Falls From Ladders, OSHA, Fall Protection Training
6) Ladder Safety Overview
7) Portable Ladder Safety Training
8) OSHA-Stairways and Ladders
9) OSHA-Ladder Safety
10) Stairs and Ladders PPT
11) OSHA-Falls: Misuse of Portable Ladders
12) How to Inspect and Maintain Your Ladder
13) How to Pick the Right Ladder for the Job
14) How to Safely Set Up Your Portable Ladder
1) Access to Vessels
2) Access to Cargo Spaces and Confined Spaces
3) Access and Guarding of Drydocks and Marine Railways
4) Working Surfaces
5) Guarding of Deck Openings and Edges
2) Hot Work: Hidden Hazards
3) Welding Safety Tips and Precautions You Need to Know
4) Oxy-fuel Equipment Safety
5) Oxygen and Acetylene Safety Precautions
6) Welding Safety: Electric Shock
7) Electric Welding Safety: How to be Safe
8) Grinder Safety | How to Properly Use an Angle Grinder
9) Blankets
10) Hot Work Permit
11) Fire Watch
12) Controlling Hazardous Fume and Gases during Welding
13) Cutting, Welding, and Other Hot Work
14) Welding and Cutting Safety
15) Controlling Hazardous Fume and Gases during Welding
1) Excavation and Trenching
2) Excavation and Trenching
3) Safety Toolbox Talks: Trenching and Excavation Safety
4) Excavations in Construction/Trenching OSHA
5) Excavations in Construction/Soil Classification
6) Trenching, Shoring and The Competent Person
7) What are the Different Types of Soil? Trenching and Excavation
8) What is the Maximum Slope for Different Soil Types? Sloping and Benching |
9) Inspecting a Trench for Fissures and Cracking
10) Underpinning Explainer
11) Excavation Hazardous Atmosphere
12) Trenching and Excavation Safety
13) Trenching and Excavation Safety Fact Sheet
1) Control of Hazardous Energy
2) Lock Out Tag Out
3) Introduction
4) Scope and Application
5) Purpose
6) Definitions
7) Energy Control Program
8) Energy Control Procedures - Documentation
9) Energy Control Procedures - Required Content
10) Periodic Inspection
11) Employee Training and Communication
12) Additional Training (Tagout System)
13) Employee Retraining
14) New or Modified Equipment
15) Full Employee Protection
16) Materials and Hardware
17) Application of Energy Control
18) Release from Lockout/Tagout
19) Testing of Machines
20) Outside Personnel (Contractors)
21) Group Lockout-Tagout Requirements
22) Shift & Personnel Changes
23) Control of Hazardous Energy
1) Confined Space Entry
2) Confined Space
3) 6 Common Confined Space Questions Answered
4) What is a Confined Space
5) Permit-Required Confined Space
6) What is an Entry Permit What is a Confined Space Entry Permit: Confined Space Hazards
7) Confined Space Roles
8) Confined Spaces Deadly Spaces: Carbon Monoxide, Hydrogen Sulphide, and Other Toxic Gases
9) Confined Space Air Monitoring
10) Ventilation in Confined Space
11) Reclassifying Permit-Required Confined Spaces (PRCS)
12) Retrieval and Emergency Services in Confined Spaces
13) Confined Space Basics
14) Confined Spaces in Residential Construction
15) Is 911 your Confined Space Rescue Plan?
16) FATAL Facts
1) Confined or Enclosed Spaces and Other Dangerous Atmospheres
2) Pre-Entry (Planning) >> Testing the Atmosphere
3) Initial Entry Testing >> Warning Signs and Labels
4) Initial Entry Testing >> Visual Inspection
5) Initial Entry Testing >> Ventilation
6) Cleaning and Other Cold Work
7) Cleaning Preparation
8) Cleaning Operations
9) PPE Selection
10) Hot Work (including Welding, Cutting and Heating)
11) Preparing Space for Hot Work
12) Surface Preparation
13) Toxic Cleaning Solvents
14) Chemical Removers
15) Mechanical Removers
16) Flammable and Combustible Liquids
17) Painting and Other Coatings
18) Overview
1) Sanitation
2) Sanitation USACE
3) Health Hazards in Construction
4) Housekeeping on the Jobsite
5) American National Standard for Emergency Eyewash And Shower Equipment
EM 385-1-1
Safety and Occupational Health Requirement
Major Revision 03/15/24
Learning Outcomes:
- Understand safety protocols in the workplace.
- Recognize potential hazards and mitigate risks.
CEU Requirements CEU Requirements
- 100% appearance for the course
- Fully involvement in all class trainings (determined by instructor)
- Completion of Continuing Education and Training Registration Form
- Completion of mandatory quiz assessments
- As applicable, attainment of least passing score on required end-of-course examination
- Participation and submittal of end-of-course assessment form (must provide name on form to obtain credit)
Prerequisites Prerequisites
There are no prerequisites but, mandatory to do Video Cons in this course. Students must be able to
communicate with instructor in primary language of the training